Saturday, March 15, 2014

I'm Done Mrs. Chance

The phrase above was said by numerous students throughout this week....and by numerous, I mean around 90. Many of my Art classes, including the K4, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and Art Club Littles, are all finished with their current projects. All of them, with the exception of the 4th grade, will be starting new projects next week. The 4th grade started their new project this past Tuesday. So what are they doing now? What is everyone else up to? Check up this week's update below...

K4: All done with our Wayne Thiebaud Gumball Machines. Look for pics tomorrow! Next week we will be starting a unit on jewelry and pattern.

K5: After our yarn activity last week, students were ready to make a project full of lines. When trying to decide on a project this past summer,  I thought there would be no better animal to study and create than a zebra! Students this week, decided on what two colors will make up their background and also practiced drawing zebras.

1st: All done with our American Realism Drawings (pics in post below)! Next week, students will be starting on a project involving George Braque and Cubism.

2nd: All done with our Scream Sculptures (again, pics below)! Next week, we will be starting a project on Hundertwasser.

3rd: All done with our Impressionistic Landscapes (you know the drill). Next week, we will be starting circle collages and looking at the works of Wassily Kandinsky.

4th: 4th graders finished up their Ming Vases last week. This week, we started studying photography. After a great discussion and lecture on the history, changes, uses, and mechanics of photography, students spent the last few minutes of class discussing ideas for their projects. Students have been given the challenge of taking a photograph of a specific location around the school and will be drawing something that does not belong or would seem funny in their chosen location.

5th: After finishing up their collagraphs, students used our class time this week to create their matrix for our cat relief prints. I cannot wait until these are finished. I am sooooo excited about seeing the finished results!!!

6th: Students are still working hard on their Colonial era inspired weather vanes. We are almost finished though. Most students applied their last coat of copper acrylic paint this week!

Art Club: Well as the beginning of this post implied, the younger members have all finished their Palissy Ware sculptures and have written their letters to Geoffrey Luff. Since these students are all finished, we will be starting a new project next week about the art of Paul Wackers. This is going to be a really cool project! Students will have a lot of options and many different materials to choose from. To start thinking about this project, I asked students to draw something that they collect or would like to start collecting.

The older students will start this project when they finish their Palissy Ware. As it stands right now, I think we have (maybe) two more weeks before they will join the Littles members on the new project.

Mosaic: Almost there!!!

Wow...that was a lot of pictures I took this week! No wonder my sweet girl was looking at me like this yesterday...

I know it is a little intimidating seeing all of those finished projects posted below. Yes, it will take a little while to look through all of them, but I highly encourage anyone reading this post to do so! I am very proud of how they turned out! Congrats to all of my students who created these great artworks :)

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